I'm searching for a word.....
What could this word be?
Oh, found it.
I'm furious about MANY many things.
I guess this will just be a furious post.
Firstly, ERIN HAS NOT POSTED IN FOREVER. We PROMISED that we would post as often as we could!
Me, I've just been to furious to post.
I am disappointed in her! SHAME ON YOU, ERIN LILLY VIOLET.
Since I haven't posted in a while, I'll shame myself, too.
Much better.
It's like Ruthie arriving has made her totally blind to me, us, and our friendship.
"Hey Lanie!" I asked on Wednesday, peeking into her bedroom. "Wanna go to the movies? We can go see Eat Pray Love."
"Not today, Gracelynne. Ruthie and I had plans to go see Eat Pray Love this evening." Lanie said, as she transplanted her dracena into a larger pot, not even looking up to acknowledge me.
"Can we go together?" I asked, a bit discouraged.
"Ruthie only got two tickets. Now LEAVE! Your negative energy is troubling my african violets!" Lanie shooed me out of her shared room.
I sighed and stepped into the dressing room.
Later that day, I went to go see Eat Pray Love. By myself.
"Lanie, you want to go to the park? We can play by the fountain and eat lunch together." I asked while she flicked through the channels on the televison.
"Umm.....Ruthie and I were going to go shopping at the mall and get lunch there." Lanie said, like she was trying to decline me nicely.
"Can I come?"I said, trying not to side too rude.
"No! Ruthie and I were going to go ALONE! Now leave! I'm just about to find out who falls below the yellow line!" Lanie shouted, as the DVR recording of a re-run of "The Biggest Loser" returned from the commerical break.
Later that day, I went to the park and played by the fountain and ate lunch. Alone. And it wasn't as fun as it would have been with Lanie.
Finally, today, I went up to her while she was on YouTube.
"Lanie..? You want to play on Erin's InnerstarU? We can finish that project we started working on." I suggested.
"No, no, now shhh. This is the funny part." I waited a minute, then Lanie burst out laughing. I saw no humor.
I hit the Escape button and her YouTube page vanished.
"Hey!" Lanie yelled, looking at me in the face for the first time in three days.
"Lanie, what is with you? We haven't hung out in three days and you've been ditching me for Ruthie!" I said, angrily.
"You're just jealous because I'm making friends with Ruthie and you're not!" Lanie argued.
"I am not!"
"You are too!"
"Lanie, you're my best friend! I like hanging out with you and I like being friends with you! It's just that, well, I miss you!" I argued back.
"Maybe I want more friends! Maybe I was getting bored of you and wanted more!" Lanie said, her voice lashing like a whip.
"Oh!" I could feel the tears in my eyes.
"Not everyone wants to be friends with a boring bookworm who obsesses over Taylor Swift and clings to her friends!" Lanie fought.
"Well, you say that like everyone enjoys being around a pea-brained environmentalist who only cares about how much fertilizer her garden gets or how much positive energy is around her stupid houseplants!" I fought back.
"Gracelynne McCartney, GO AWAY! I HATE YOU!" Lanie bellowed.
I kicked over her potted tree as I exited the room.
I stormed up lto my bedroom. I shoved past Bailey on my way up.
"Woah, who called in tornado patrol?" Bailey teased.
"It's nothing. I'm fine." I snapped.
I climbed up the hatches to my bedroom and kicked my wall. I pushed all my photos of Lanie and me off my besides table and onto the floor and stamped on them. I ripped them to pieces and threw them in the garbage.
Finally, I got to the note she gave me for my birthday.
Hey Gracie!
I luv you sooo much! We will be besties for everrr! :)
Happy Birthday!
I shoved it under my mattress and sat down at my desk.
I hate her. I hate her. I can't stand her! Oh, I need to trash her room! That will show her! Ugh, I hate her so much!
All my evil thoughts were telling me to trash her bedroom and ruin her stuff.
Which, I totally did.
I'm done with Lanie. If she's gonna blow me off for someone who we barely know.
Ugh. I hate her.