Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Spring Green Queen is on the Scene, Part 2

"So, JULIE'S the culprit?" I shouted angrily. Julie was so sweet and innocent, I can't believe she was out to get Bethie!
"Well," Lanie fidgeted with one of her curls. "Bethie did refuse to sign her 'Stop Global Warming' movement. Beth doesn't believe in global warming."
I pulled the small gem out of the mud and Lanie and I headed up the path. We set the gem inside my dresser.
"How are we going to get the evidence out of Julie?" Lanie asked.
"We'll have to do the good cop, bad cop roles." I reasoned.
"Oooh! Can I be the bad cop, pretty please?" Lanie begged eagerly.
"Oh all right." I mumbled.
Lanie headed down stairs, and came back hoisting Julie up the hatches. Julie was tied to the back of a metal chair. I gaped in awe.

"You said I could be the bad cop!" Lanie shrugged.

"All right, Albright." Lanie scolded. "Tell us why you're out to get Bethie!"
"Wait, WHAT? What are you babbling about, Holland?!" Julie shouted, furious.
"Lady, we'll ask the questions." Lanie snarled.
"I'm your ROOMMATE! Why would you suspect me?" Julie barked.
I saw that I wasn't going to get a say in this if Lanie kept on being the bad cop, so I stepped in. "We found THIS gem," I held out the jewel. "Stuck in the mud where I was threatened. My partner," I beckoned to Lanie. "Confirmed that the jewel is in fact, yours."
"Yeah, it's mine! But I haven't been to the forest in weeks since the government promised me they'd stop bothering the baby skunks." Julie explained.
"Wait a sec!" I shouted. "Julie, don't you have special wide feet?"
"Yeah, but you don't have to rub it in!" Julie barked at me.
"Then you can't run away fast in stilettos, right?"
"Then Julie can't be the culprit! The person in question threatened me, but before I could see who it was, they were gone and Rebecca's stiletto was stuck in the mud!"
Lanie untied Julie. "You're free to go." Julie slapped Lanie and walked away.

"We're getting nowhere with this!" Lanie wailed.
"We have to check the crime scene again!" I sighed.
"Grace! It's hopeless! You're treating this like it's a murder mystery! It was probably one of the big jerky boys next door!"
"Do big jerky boys wear fingernail polish?!" I yelled.
"They could have pretended! For all we know, Rebecca could have been the culprit but she just used nail polish remover to get it off before we interviewed her!" Lanie sassed at me.
"Fine! Don't help me!" I hollered.
"I don't think I will!" Lanie hollered back. She threw all the supplies she was carrying on the ground and stormed out, her long blonde curls bouncing against her back as she walked.

"Tree hugger!" I shouted angrily as she walked away.
"Hopeless bookworm!" She shouted back.

Oh, Oh OH! This isn't fair! First I lose my sanity, then my best friend, all because of a stupid crime scene!? This is pointless! I wish my twin sister, Erin, were here to help me. She wouldn't argue or fight with me, but according to Sonali's blog, they've got their hands full with this new Pullip sister of theirs. The last thing that should be on Erin's mind is her twin, when she's got to keep that bloody Pullip from touching her possessions.


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