I don't know about this house. Its a bit... awkward. My sister and I are going through similar things right now. Erin is like my only best friend, and God only knows how many miles away from me she is. Erin [my owner] doesn't even have a decent selection of books for me. And all the good ones are stashed away in Kit's room, where everyone except herself is forbidden to go. Everyone has a best friend except me:
Samantha and Kit
Felicity and Kristy
Julie and Bailey
Rebecca and Chrissa
Elizabeth and Sonali, who also lives a gazillion miles away from us
Lanie.... Lanie just marches to her own drum. She's shy and quiet and the only person she really talks to is Erin's pet plant, Paul. She says that Paul is the only one in this house who truly understands her. And even then, it's a PLANT.
I see myself with Kit. We have the same intrests. We both love reading and writing and we're both a bit shy at times. But Kit is even shyer then I am. She spends most of her days click-clacking on her typewriter or reading a novel that weighs more then she does.
Truthfully, I see myself with Erin in Canada. We are both pretty much the same. We both are bold, fresh, entertaining, and we're just like peanut butter and jelly-made for each other. [I CALL JELLY, HA!]
We got dolly sized Easter baskets today. Mine is cream colored with a spring green ribbon [predictable, yes?] and it has green Easter grass in it. I hope Erin leaves candy for us in it tommorrow. I will post a picture tommorrow.
I will be sitting ALONE at the dinner table tommorrow. ALONE=by myself. If Erin was here, we'd sit by ourselves and fling food across the table to see how far it flies. We'd silently whisper and giggle, and after dinner we'd run through the yard and climb trees and chase leaves that the wind carries across the Canada landscape. And at night, we'd settle in our beds that were placed next to each other and whisper and laugh until we fell asleep. That would be my dream Easter.
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