Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy [almost] Birthday to Us!

Grace here, everybody!

I am getting more and more excited! Erin and I are going to celebrate our birthday! We are turning twelve on April 27th. I'm kind of sad because this is our first birthday without each other. We were made on April 27th, 2009, but AG made a whole load of us JLY 35s and just let us sit out until we were actually released. It wasn't until February 2010 that we were separated. We spent most of our time in the factory playing with each other, causing mischief, making the worker people wonder why there was a whole mess of syrup spilled all over the table the morning after a weekend. And I miss every second of it.

I can't really send Erin a birthday present, but HA! I KNOW WHAT SHE'S GETTING! Sonali didn't come straight out and say it, but she made it into a little puzzle. I, being the clever bookie that I am, figured it out instantaneously. Where as Erin is only clever when it comes to causing trouble and proving people wrong when they say The Beatles suck. I even remember the first time we heard a Beatles song together. It makes me sad to think about it, but happy to know that she's with a nice family and they're probably getting used to coming home from whatever and the house be torn apart and the CD blasting Beatles music, usually in the factory it was Lady Madonna, but one time it was Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds and she bleeped out 'Lucy' and sang 'Erin' in place of it.

Even though Erin has a great home, I'm still REALLY getting used to mine. I'm pretty much used to the small explosions coming from Bailey's room and the giant thumps and pounds of Kristy's feet as she attempts to dance ballet. I'm even used to the loud Beatles music blasting from Julie's room already, it reminds me of Erin. Kit's typewriter clacks have still kept me awake at night, and I still feel the need to sneak down the trap door and investigate. Samantha's hums and soft singing as she sews or bakes cookies is a pleasure because I know the house is content, and the shrieks of Chrissa as she begins to splatter paint still sound quite annoying, but not as annoying as the sound of Rebecca flipping pages of thick scripts and saying lines for some play that has a lot of words I don't understand. The sound of Felicity trying on shoes is a comfort, and the sound of Beth blogging her feelings makes me feel like I'm not the only writer in this house who pours her heart into writing. I still have to burst into Lanie's bedroom and ask who she's talking to when she's only talking to a bunch of plants--again. As weird as this sounds, I've even fitted molds for my sisters.

Samantha~the motherly sister
Felicity~the animal freak
Kristy~ the diva
Kit~ the reader of books
Julie~ the hippie [though this mold has already been copyrighted by Erin, it works for Julie, too]
Bailey~ the rebel
Rebecca~the actress
Chrissa~the toddlerish artist
Bethie~the lover
Lanie~ the green queen

and Gracelynne~ the writer

I hope Erin is doing as well at her home as I am.

Stay beautiful ;)


1 comment:

  1. D:
    Sonali's just trying to prove to me that I'm dumb by posting that genius puzzle. xP

