Sunday, November 14, 2010

Missing My Hippie

I miss Erin.

And from that sentence above, you can infer who is the author of this blog, today.

She's getting creative with the nicknames, as well. Gracearoni, Graceland, [which happens to be the name of Elvis Presley's home. All too predictable of her.] Graceamania, Gracetastic, Graceanaspiostic [apperantly, her vocabulary grade in English rose.]

Her hippie personality is still going strong, butting heads with hippie haters, plastering peace signs to random lockers, working on her giant John Lennon mural on the side of the school building [that the school doesn't know about] and Chrissa is helping her a lot. It's getting colder up in Canada and she threw a tantrum because Kirsten wouldn't let her wear her gladiator sandals to school anymore, and she sent me a strongly worded email of every detail of her fight, including how many swear words she used and how many times Kirsten threatened to take away her iPod.

Erin sent me a picture message via email that included her family's school pictures [Erin found a way to daze the photographer so she could give a peace sign to the camera] They turned out perfectly.

Grace's Chrissa emailed me.

Grace! What's up? I'm great, and I was just rummaging through my art supplies and I found this beautifiul poem that Erin wrote. I decided to share it with you.\
Grace, the name that flies
Carries me to the true blue
Skies above
Her wings like a swan with
the heart of an angel.
Sunlight beckons us to
Come sail away
It made me want to cry.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Weirdest Things Happen

When you think about it, life is just a huge 'ole jumble of weirdness.
The fact that you put bananas on your toast this morning instead of jelly is weird. The fact that my sister spends hours to a day singing Glee and Taylor Swift songs is sooo weird. And the fact that I ended up getting on stage and giving an apology to all of New York City on Thanksgiving really, really REALLY is weird.

Yep, thats how I spent my Thanksgiving.

I stood there on the big black stage with Bethie's sister Ruthie and the all of Glee Club. Ruthie called up Bethie, and somehow everyone ended up singing together, all three competing Glee Clubs, "Fame!" from the musical. The original.

... Just, weird.

I guess I have a lot of 'weird' to apologize for. I sort of lied to Sonali. I lied to Gracelynne. I lied to Grace. I lied to my sisters. I lied to Elizabeth. I lied to Chrissa. I've been a weird liar, and I'm so sorry. I was jealous. Of Bethie. I wanted Sonny for myself. But now I realize, who I need is Chrissa. Chrissa is the best friend I could ever ask for.
But don't think I forgot Gracie.
She'll be in my heart forever. <3

Peace out weirdos,

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hatred -.-

I might as well just call this blog "The Story of Grace". I'm about ready to call Erin up on the phone and give her a good talking-to about this.

I'm just...too angry right now.

Erin was being taunted by the neighborhood four year olds while we were filming our murder mystery, Dead in Deutschland, and she was staring them down to scare them away, and then I fell face forward on the sidewalk, leaving a permanent scratch on my nose. Little did Erin know, Ruthie [who is my character, Brooklyn's best friend] PUSHED me over.

Now Erin isn't even considering me to do AGMA for her. All because of RUTHIE.

I decided I had enough of Ruthie's crazy antics. Today, I pushed Ruthie's door open. I saw her dancing and singing along to "Could It Be You" by H*wood on her iHome.

"I like a punk rock chick, with hair just like Rihanna, like a go-go girl who dance like Lady Gaga, they're the girls who start the party, so baby could it be you, be you, be you?" She sang.
I grabbed her iHome and threw it against the wall.

"Alright Smithens." I growled. "We need to chat."
She whirled around. "Oh, hey Grace... um, the weather is-" She stuttered.
"Let's cut to the chase. Why do you hate me? Why did you push me? Why did you RUIN me?!" I said, angrily.
She got up and left.
"....the heck!?" I finished for myself.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Ruthies Can Go Drown in a Lake

I kicked the chair one last time and screamed like a small toddler. I was furious. Lanie was at the greenhouse, looking for indoor houseplants to keep her company during the cold autumn days, and I was at home, screaming my head off while kicking Kit's desk chair.

Samantha came in my room, wearing her apron over her clothes carrying a wooden spoon.

"Gosh, Gracie. If you scream any louder Erin will come from Canada to kill whoever's hurting you." Samantha joked.

And I'd especially like that today. I'd scream all across the New England states, and Erin would hitch a train, a boat, and a bus to come to destroy whoever snapped my heart in four. No, not in two. In FOUR.

And today, it would be RUTHIE who's life would end.

Ruthie. Ruthie Noelle. Ruthie Noelle Smithens. Otherwise known as ERIN'S NEXT AGMA MODEL.


Erin changed her mind. Now that Ruthie's here, it's Ruthie this and Ruthie that and Ruthie Ruthie Ruthie. "Ruthie's such a beautiful girl." "I'm so glad I got Ruthie." "I love my Ruthie." Erin would say.

And today, Erin decided that Ruthie will be AGMA Season 4's model.

Which is why I'm screaming my head off.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Not Forgotten, Just .. Not Home

"Knock knock?"
A voice sounded from outside the door.

I was upside down on my bed, clutching a pillow in front of my face. A drained pepsi can stood on the bedside table, and Pocketful of Sunshine played softly from my iPod speaker. The positive words of the song were starting to get annoying.
"Nobody's home." I said, the words muffled by the pillow.

Chrissa opened the door. "Well, its my room too, either way."
I sat up and took the pillow away from my face. I blinked at Chrissa for a few seconds.
She sat down on the bed next to me and held out her hands, hopeful for a hug.
I simply stood up and pressed the off button on my speakers.
Chrissa's eyes became soft and sympathetic.
She thought I was depressed because I missed my sister.
As if she knew.

Nobody knew.
I made a noise of disgust.
Then I realized Chrissa was still here.

"Oh.." I turned around. "Chrissa, can you go?"
She narrowed her eyes. "Fine, if you want it that way."

I stood still, frozen, until she had closed the door behind her.

Then I ran back to my bed, clutched my pillow, and started bawling.


Friday, August 27, 2010

Word of the Day: FURIOUS

I'm searching for a word.....

What could this word be?

Oh, found it.


I'm furious about MANY many things.
I guess this will just be a furious post.

Firstly, ERIN HAS NOT POSTED IN FOREVER. We PROMISED that we would post as often as we could!
Me, I've just been to furious to post.
I am disappointed in her! SHAME ON YOU, ERIN LILLY VIOLET.
Since I haven't posted in a while, I'll shame myself, too.
Much better.
It's like Ruthie arriving has made her totally blind to me, us, and our friendship.
"Hey Lanie!" I asked on Wednesday, peeking into her bedroom. "Wanna go to the movies? We can go see Eat Pray Love."
"Not today, Gracelynne. Ruthie and I had plans to go see Eat Pray Love this evening." Lanie said, as she transplanted her dracena into a larger pot, not even looking up to acknowledge me.
"Can we go together?" I asked, a bit discouraged.
"Ruthie only got two tickets. Now LEAVE! Your negative energy is troubling my african violets!" Lanie shooed me out of her shared room.
I sighed and stepped into the dressing room.
Later that day, I went to go see Eat Pray Love. By myself.

"Lanie, you want to go to the park? We can play by the fountain and eat lunch together." I asked while she flicked through the channels on the televison.
"Umm.....Ruthie and I were going to go shopping at the mall and get lunch there." Lanie said, like she was trying to decline me nicely.

"Can I come?"I said, trying not to side too rude.

"No! Ruthie and I were going to go ALONE! Now leave! I'm just about to find out who falls below the yellow line!" Lanie shouted, as the DVR recording of a re-run of "The Biggest Loser" returned from the commerical break.
Later that day, I went to the park and played by the fountain and ate lunch. Alone. And it wasn't as fun as it would have been with Lanie.

Finally, today, I went up to her while she was on YouTube.

"Lanie..? You want to play on Erin's InnerstarU? We can finish that project we started working on." I suggested.

"No, no, now shhh. This is the funny part." I waited a minute, then Lanie burst out laughing. I saw no humor.

I hit the Escape button and her YouTube page vanished.

"Hey!" Lanie yelled, looking at me in the face for the first time in three days.

"Lanie, what is with you? We haven't hung out in three days and you've been ditching me for Ruthie!" I said, angrily.

"You're just jealous because I'm making friends with Ruthie and you're not!" Lanie argued.

"I am not!"

"You are too!"

"Lanie, you're my best friend! I like hanging out with you and I like being friends with you! It's just that, well, I miss you!" I argued back.

"Maybe I want more friends! Maybe I was getting bored of you and wanted more!" Lanie said, her voice lashing like a whip.

"Oh!" I could feel the tears in my eyes.

"Not everyone wants to be friends with a boring bookworm who obsesses over Taylor Swift and clings to her friends!" Lanie fought.

"Well, you say that like everyone enjoys being around a pea-brained environmentalist who only cares about how much fertilizer her garden gets or how much positive energy is around her stupid houseplants!" I fought back.

"Gracelynne McCartney, GO AWAY! I HATE YOU!" Lanie bellowed.

I kicked over her potted tree as I exited the room.
I stormed up lto my bedroom. I shoved past Bailey on my way up.

"Woah, who called in tornado patrol?" Bailey teased.

"It's nothing. I'm fine." I snapped.

I climbed up the hatches to my bedroom and kicked my wall. I pushed all my photos of Lanie and me off my besides table and onto the floor and stamped on them. I ripped them to pieces and threw them in the garbage.

Finally, I got to the note she gave me for my birthday.

Hey Gracie!

I luv you sooo much! We will be besties for everrr! :)

Happy Birthday!



I shoved it under my mattress and sat down at my desk.

I hate her. I hate her. I can't stand her! Oh, I need to trash her room! That will show her! Ugh, I hate her so much!

All my evil thoughts were telling me to trash her bedroom and ruin her stuff.

Which, I totally did.

I'm done with Lanie. If she's gonna blow me off for someone who we barely know.

Ugh. I hate her.


Friday, August 13, 2010

Hateful Feelings

Erin HAS forgotten this blog. :( It's like she doesn't even notice it's here. HELLO, THE STORY OF TWINS!? Not The Story Of GRACE!

Sorry I'm so sour. If you read Bethie's blog, last night I scavenged through Ma's bedroom and found ZERO signs of Ruthie and Ma's dolls didn't give much evidence.

Aaah. I feel so bad.

"It's all Ma's fault!" Lanie ranted after I explained what had happened. "She's too cruel and evil to realize that Erin will be CRUSHED! No, she'll realize it, but she'd be laughing! Oh, that's what she'd do! Erin would sit there, trying to be polite and not be upset, but clearly she'd be unhappy, and Ma would be LAUGHING! Oh, I hate her, I hate her, I hate her, I HATE HER!" Lanie kicked the bed.
''Lanie, relax." I touched her arm. "It's okay to be angry, but don't take it out on Ma."
"I have every right to take it out on Ma! Because of her, she's going to ruin Erin's birthday! Do you know how LONG it would take Erin to earn the money for Ruthie?! It's hard enough for her to earn money for New York City, and she doesn't even know if she's getting a doll there! Hate, hate hate!" Lanie shrieked.
"So what if we don't get Ruthie?"
"That's easy for YOU to say! Ever since I arrived here, YOU are the only person who's really befriended me! Everyone else pushed me away and didn't want to be my friend! I keep on thinking maybe Ruthie will be different! And maybe she will! But we'll never know now that Erin's not getting her!" Lanie screamed. The tears trickled down her flushed cheeks.
"Oh, Lanie." I hugged her. "I didn't know getting Ruthie was this important to you."
She wrapped her arms around me. "I'm sorry I'm so angry. It's just, it's so hard to be the different girl at school."
"What do you mean?" I asked. She sat down on the bed. I sat next to her.
"Well, before you arrived in February, I was miserable. Everyone called me a nerd for doing so well in Science and knowing about all the plant names and animal species. I was so upset. Nobody would be my friend. I know that Bethie would have been nice to me, but she didn't go to school. I sat alone at lunch everyday. I tried to make friends, but everyone pushed me away. Not even my friends in garden club were nice to me. They called me a know-it-all and threw dirt at me. I was so sad and unhappy, but when you came along, and you were so kind to me, I was thrilled. I had a friend, and I liked it. It made me want to have more, but since nobody wanted to be my friend at school, I was happy with having just you. When I heard about Ruthie, I got so excited. Maybe she would be my friend." Lanie explained, the tears slipping down her cheeks.
I hugged her. "I didn't know I meant that much to you, Lanie."
"You mean the world to me, Grace. Your the Swiftie that makes my world go around, and I couldn't imagine life without you." 'Swifties' are what Lanie called Taylor Swift fans.

I felt so dirty and disgusting now that I had this chat with Lanie. Last night, Ma had held me and kissed me and hugged me, and now I feel filthy. I can't stand to see the bilge of garbage called grandparents that make up for un-bought birthday presents by kissing little girl's dolls and playing with little boy's toys. It makes me SICKENED to see the filthy wretch of elders who find it amusing to ruin children's birthdays. Would the appreciate it if their families didn't get them what THEY wanted for their birthday? No, they would not. In fact, they'd probably cause a whole ruckus because of it, since my unofficial stats show 67% of family celebrations revolve around grandparents. I feel as though I have betrayed my family by allowing the ancestors of my beloved Erin show affection towards me.

Does that make sense to you? Sorry, when I'm mad I get literary.


Friday, August 6, 2010

A Sad Celebration

Kay. So you've probably heard it from Erin a gazillion and six times, but Kristy was eliminated from AGMA.

This sounds sooooo mean..... but YAY!

Now I know what you're all thinking.

"Why Gracelynne? How could you be so cruel?"


I'm happy Kristy got eliminated from AGMA because Erin can compete again. And when she competes again she's entering a certain red-haired beauty!


Meeeh! Yesh, Erin is entering MOI, Gracelynne Margaret Rose McCartney, nicknamed Grace, Gracie, THE GRACE and Graceanator. [the last two from my twin, Erin]

Lanie is sooo proud of me.

"I knew you could do it, Grace!" Lanie cheered jubiliantly once we reached my bedroom.

"I know, I know." I sighed, a little sadly. Being excited because my sister was eliminated is just plain MEAN.

"Gracie! Are you blind?! Kristy got eliminated for a REASON! It's called karma!" Lanie convinced me.

"What are you saying...?"

"I'm SAYING that she got eliminated because of all the times she's been mean to us!"

"Well, I guess. But I'm not even going to make it past the auditions, let alone win the whole game." I sighed, my voice sinking lower with every word.

"ARE YOU BLIND AND DEAF?!" Lanie bellowed. "You're THE GRACE! You can do ANYTHING!" Lanie grabbed my shoulders and shook me.

"But.... Erin.....Sonali....cheese curls...... graham crackers......GAH!" I sputtered.

"Chill." Lanie rested on Kit's bed. "You've got this modeling crap IN THE BAG." She snatched up a mirror and shoved my face in it's view.

"You see that girl in there?" Lanie questioned me.

"Yes." I gulped.

"Who is she?"

"The Grace." I stuttered.

"She is not THE GRACE." Lanie said stern. "She's you, Gracelynne Margaret Rose McCartney. And she's the next model for AGClayMakers."


"You're worth it, Gracelynne." Lanie looked at me with meaningful hazel-green eyes. I smiled and hugged her.

Lanie was right.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sad Faces For A Sad Doll

"Erin?" Chrissa poked me in the side. "Whats up with you? You didn't want to paint for 8:00 a.m. routine this morning, and now you won't eat PIZZA?!"

I frowned. "I just.. I don't feel well, Chrissa.."
Chrissa jumped up. "Then lets get you upstairs! I'll get you a hot water bottle for your feet!" She was already rushing up the stairs by the time I got the energy to call out to her to come back.

I hate life.

Spring Green Queen is on the Scene, Part 2

"So, JULIE'S the culprit?" I shouted angrily. Julie was so sweet and innocent, I can't believe she was out to get Bethie!
"Well," Lanie fidgeted with one of her curls. "Bethie did refuse to sign her 'Stop Global Warming' movement. Beth doesn't believe in global warming."
I pulled the small gem out of the mud and Lanie and I headed up the path. We set the gem inside my dresser.
"How are we going to get the evidence out of Julie?" Lanie asked.
"We'll have to do the good cop, bad cop roles." I reasoned.
"Oooh! Can I be the bad cop, pretty please?" Lanie begged eagerly.
"Oh all right." I mumbled.
Lanie headed down stairs, and came back hoisting Julie up the hatches. Julie was tied to the back of a metal chair. I gaped in awe.

"You said I could be the bad cop!" Lanie shrugged.

"All right, Albright." Lanie scolded. "Tell us why you're out to get Bethie!"
"Wait, WHAT? What are you babbling about, Holland?!" Julie shouted, furious.
"Lady, we'll ask the questions." Lanie snarled.
"I'm your ROOMMATE! Why would you suspect me?" Julie barked.
I saw that I wasn't going to get a say in this if Lanie kept on being the bad cop, so I stepped in. "We found THIS gem," I held out the jewel. "Stuck in the mud where I was threatened. My partner," I beckoned to Lanie. "Confirmed that the jewel is in fact, yours."
"Yeah, it's mine! But I haven't been to the forest in weeks since the government promised me they'd stop bothering the baby skunks." Julie explained.
"Wait a sec!" I shouted. "Julie, don't you have special wide feet?"
"Yeah, but you don't have to rub it in!" Julie barked at me.
"Then you can't run away fast in stilettos, right?"
"Then Julie can't be the culprit! The person in question threatened me, but before I could see who it was, they were gone and Rebecca's stiletto was stuck in the mud!"
Lanie untied Julie. "You're free to go." Julie slapped Lanie and walked away.

"We're getting nowhere with this!" Lanie wailed.
"We have to check the crime scene again!" I sighed.
"Grace! It's hopeless! You're treating this like it's a murder mystery! It was probably one of the big jerky boys next door!"
"Do big jerky boys wear fingernail polish?!" I yelled.
"They could have pretended! For all we know, Rebecca could have been the culprit but she just used nail polish remover to get it off before we interviewed her!" Lanie sassed at me.
"Fine! Don't help me!" I hollered.
"I don't think I will!" Lanie hollered back. She threw all the supplies she was carrying on the ground and stormed out, her long blonde curls bouncing against her back as she walked.

"Tree hugger!" I shouted angrily as she walked away.
"Hopeless bookworm!" She shouted back.

Oh, Oh OH! This isn't fair! First I lose my sanity, then my best friend, all because of a stupid crime scene!? This is pointless! I wish my twin sister, Erin, were here to help me. She wouldn't argue or fight with me, but according to Sonali's blog, they've got their hands full with this new Pullip sister of theirs. The last thing that should be on Erin's mind is her twin, when she's got to keep that bloody Pullip from touching her possessions.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Spring Green Queen is on the Scene

In the blog that I wrote last, I promised I wouldn't rest until I found the source of Bethie's weird behavior. She's a good friend, but not nearly as close as Lanie. We've been having late-night conversations and sleepovers. I feel like a bad friend to be helping Beth and ignoring her at the same time. But it is best to leave it at that.

First off, I wanted to email Ruthie and check out Sonali's blog. I asked Beth to borrow her computer, because maybe there's something up with Sonali's blog. I haven't checked it in a while. I sent Ruthie the email I wanted and typed in Sonali's blogger URL. It came up as 'blocked from the computer.' That's odd.

"Bethie, why is Sonali's blog blocked from your computer?"
"I dunno. It just happened."
I closed Beth's laptop and raced downstairs to retrive my spring green laptop. I opened Sonali's blog on my Internet browser, and surprisingly, it came up. I read the first few lines of one of her June blogs, but a manicured hand slammed my laptop shut on my fingers.
"Ouch." I whispered under my breath. Something grabbed my hair, and I was being tugged outside into the woods.
"Listen to me." A threatening voice crackled into my ear. "If anything is said to Sonali, Beth, or your dumb [the voice said another word...] sister about their blogs, I sware I'm going to drown you in that pond." The voice hissed into my ear.
I turned to see who it was, but all I could see was a red stiletto heel that got stuck in the mud. I picked it up. Interesting.

After future examination, I found that the sitletto belonged to none other then Rebecca Ann Claire Rubin.
"Listen to me, Gracelynne!" Rebecca pleaded. "I didn't do it! I'm not out to get Sonny and Beth, I sware!" She fell into a heap at my feet and sobbed into her hands.
"Wait a sec." I muttered. I grabbed Rebecca's hand. No finger nail polish in sight.
"You're free, Beck. Go." I motioned for her to leave the G.R.O.I.C; or Grace's Room of Investigating Crimes. Lanie was sitting on my bed. I brought her to the woods and we followed the heel marks and my sneaker prints to the exact spot where I was threatened. I also found a sparkly gem that looked like it fell from a necklace.
"I know that gem. It's from a necklace of Julie's." Lanie murmured


Monday, July 5, 2010


Of course I miss Grace. Of course, of course, of course. Heck, I cry almost every night into my pillow about it. But lately I haven't been crying as much. Because of a certain Christine Jane-Marie Maxwell.

Chrissa's awesome. Epic, actually. She understands about Grace. She understands it all. Sonali does too, but ... oh my god. Lets NOT talk about Sonali.

I can't.. can't.. I gotta go.


Wednesday, June 30, 2010


It's Grace again, haaay!

And I've been noticing strange behavior around my house lately. Ever since we got news that our family might have a new addition [Ruthie], nobody's been acting themselves. It's pretty weird considering that I've known every single one of these girls since February, and things just keep getting weirder.

For instance, Samantha hasn't touched the tote bag that she started sewing in May since we got word on Ruthie. She's been spending more time looking at magazines and catalogs.

On the contrary, Kristy hasn't touched her dance outfit, and she didn't beg and plead for dance classes this summer. She's been spending so much time in the mirror, doing her makeup and washing her hair and a LOT of singing before dinner and after she takes a shower.

Felicity hasn't bothered with climbing trees or fishing or doing any of the daring or bold things that she loves to do. She's been out in the barn practicing tricks with her horses, and grooming them.

Kit hasn't been reading that much, She's been scrawling ideas for writing prompts such as stories and news papers, and typing them on her typewriter. I heard her explaining to Beth that she will put them all in a binder to keep forever.

Julie hasn't been playing with Nutmeg, her pet bunny, or passing out recycling pamphlets at the mall or protesting to stop pollution and prevent global warming. She's been being all Kristy-like and watching what she wears instead of wearing her hippie clothes. She hasn't touched her favorite peasant blouse since before we got word on Ruthie.

Rebecca's been singing and dancing more often. She sings every night with Kristy. She dances at the mall to earn a few coins. She normally chooses loud, outgoing, sparkly costume-like, but still fashionable clothes, but lately she's been going with more sensible clothes such as shorts and flip flops. She hasn't asked Chrissa to sew her any theater costumes since Ruthie. In fact, she demanded that Chrissa stop sewing her Miss Hannigan costume and start knitting her a french beret.

Speaking of Chrissa, even little Chrissa's been acting weird. Her pottery wheel is getting a tad dusty, and she's been hiding her hand-made [but still AMAZING] costumes and her countless balls of yarn under her bed, and she quit wearing her costumes for a while and started wearing more grown up stuff like jeans [which she hated to the core until now] and sneakers [also hated.]

Bailey's been skating more often. She stays out at the skate park with her friends until after dinner, and she's been attending more batting, catching, and pitching clinics every morning with her friends to improve her skill. She also stopped wearing ponytails and switched to headbands.

Lanie stopped her vegetable garden and started a whole flower garden. She's growing lilies, lilacs, daisies, tulips, roses, and hyacinths. She's been re-doing her curls every other day and starts speaking her mind more often instead of sitting back quietly.

Bethie, poor, dearest Bethie seems to be the worst of them all. She's been a ton more secretive about everything. When asked what she did today at dinner, she immediatly replied "Nothing!" very, very quickly. She's been sitting at the window watching the nothingness going on outside, and when I asked what she's doing "Oh, haha! It's nothing really, you see I'm just, uh, watching the birds. Yup, it's a new hobby of mine. Grace you should try it sometime. Well, gotta go, bye!" As she backs away and heads up the stairs. She's been sitting for countless hours on her beanbag chair with her headphones in staring at the screen whispering to herself "It's impossible." Over and over again. It's really suspicious. Lanie tried asking what was wrong the other day, and she said "Nothing! Lanie, what are you talking about? Haha, silly girl!" Then she ran away. I'm scared for her. I don't know what's going on, but I won't rest until I find out.

Even I'VE been acting differently. I obviously haven't blogged in a while and I've been ignoring my library card that lay on my bedside table. Plus, neglecting the books below said bedside table that I've been itching to read all summer, and spending more time looking in the mirror and practicingmy audition for Glee Club, or Show Choir as they say at our new school.

It's like Ruthie's set the bar so high that everyone's trying to impress her when she arrives. I don't know what's going through my head, or even all my sister's, but I'm not sure I'm going to like the results......


Friday, June 18, 2010

New Background and Design!

Okay, okay. So I'm here at Erin's house with our sisters, Erin's sisters, and Emma from The Lost Get Found and her sisters. It's pretty awesome. Or, "epic" as Erin says. We're here for the Awards Ceremony that Ruthie gave us. Erin and I got the award for 'best un-alike twins.' Erin wore her sundress [no shock there, really] and I wore my blue dress. I looked awesome. Ruthie says that blue is definitely my color.

We haven't really updated our blog lately, but Sonny, Beth, and Emma have! Read their blogs for updates on what's been going on. We leave tomorrow afternoon, and Emma's family leaves a little before us. They have a longer flight to get back to Minnesota [or Minnesnowta, as the Kits call it] so they have to leave first.

We changed our blog template! Of course, Erin chose the background. She wanted to find one relating to The Beatles, but no luck :(. I like the new background, too. I chose the layout and the color template. Erin didn't care what she did as long as she got to choose the background.

Erin and I have been having tons of fun. We've been spending time in Erin's secret hideout [remember The Yurt?] and we brought Chelsea's Chrissa and Lanie with us. They absolutely adored it, so we took them back everyday.

Any opinions on our new layout?


Sunday, May 30, 2010

Turn Around, Bright Eyes

Let me tell you, things around here have been HECTIC. With a capital H-E-C-T-I-C. First off, Erin has a huge project in social studies where she has to plan a whole trip to Greece. She has to plan EVERYTHING. And when we say everything, we MEAN everything. The restaurants she would eat at, the sights she'd see, the hotel she'd stay at, EVERYTHING. It's due Tuesday and she has most of it done, but she just needs help. And a lot of it.

She's had a lot of projects in the past couple weeks. One for science, one for language arts, and now this one for Social Studies. Luckily, the science one is done and so is the L/A one, but she had a lot of fun with the L/A one. She had to make a video commercial advertising the book they were reading. Knowing Erin, she took this to the extremes and edited it like she would a video to put on YouTube. Everybody loved it, INCLUDING her teacher, PLUS the librarian who happened to be in the room when she presented it.

After all these dumb projects are done, she promises to make a stop motion video with us because she's been unable to have fun for the past 2 weeks. She hopes the SS project will be done by tonight so she can do something fun on this beautiful long weekend.

Well. That's all Gracie has to say, since I have to get off the computer so Erin can do more research -____-

Happy Memorial Day!


Sunday, May 23, 2010


Student Council elections were last week, and let me tell you, I'm going to make an awful great Vice President. Yes, I won!

But....I can't help thinking......why did KRISTY get to be the model? I almost feel...jealous standing in the corner while she gets photographed. It makes me feel angry that AGMA is Erin's main YouTube concern. Why does Kristy deserve this, of anyone in our family? Even sneaky old Bailey deserves this more then she does.

Because she's pretty. That's why.

That's what I've been saying to myself. It's hard to hold my anger and envy in whilst she's having her outfit changed every 15 pictures, and while I'm staying in the same outfit for at least a week. Sure, she's pretty. But there's 11 dolls in this family. We all deserve the attention, am I wrong? Even Chrissa, who's happy with her pottery wheel alone in her bedroom. You wouldn't believe how many poems, stories, letters, and novellas I've written the past week because I've been so bored.

It doesn't help to know that Kristy herself was going around the day before elections telling everybody that I have a hippie twin that doesn't shower so that nobody would vote for me. Erin showers. I know she does. In fact, she brings a bucket in the shower to save all the water she can, then waters the plants with the shower water.

So the day of elections, everyone was walking around, and whenever they saw me, they held their noses.

I know plenty of friendly models, as well. I know Sonali. Of course I know Sonali. I know Lanie's twin sister, Lanie from agqueen43. I know Anya Sorokowski, the winner of AGMA Season 2. I know Mia St. Clair from agqueen43, who's just darned beautiful herself. And I know all of AGPhotographer's other dolls. And I know all my sisters.

And it doesn't help that Kristy gloats about being a model at school. She wears her assignment outfits to school and brags how 'she's in a modeling academy'. All I can do is bite my tongue and smile.

I only wish Erin McCartney could take a crack at her. She'd give her that hippie piece of mind that nobody wants to hear. Her famous line.. "You break her heart....I break your face." And let me tell you, Kristy's face would be very broken if Erin was allowed down here.
My school could take a crack at the hippie master. She'd show them all. Our classes would never be the same with Erin protesting the fakeness of global warming and Erin protesting how all this massive amount of homework kills trees, and that those heavy textbooks would be better to the environment with recycled paper instead of the fresh factory paper. She'd protest that paying teachers through checks and cash wastes paper, and that all teacher's shouldn't be paid. She'd REQUIRE each gym class to have a wrestling unit at one time or another. Erin would beast our school. Erin would rock.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Can-ad-ian Gurls, We're Unforgettable.

Baha! And you had thought I forgot you!

We're super busy, thats all.
-mutters- And with Sonali hogging the computer all the time..

We tried to film Alice today... umm... lets just say it was a F-A-I-L. We got 5 seconds done, but after that God just told us that it wasn't meant to be today, because he swept over my tripod with wind (almost fatally injuring the lense forever), and Alice fell 3 times.

Sonali also has her AGMA assignment, "Fairytale/Princesses". Its sooo fun! I don't get to go with Sonali when she drives out to her photographing location, but I get to see the photos when she comes home -- of course! Its going to be naturally beautiful. Be scared. :)


I didn

Grace for Vice President!

Has Erin forgot about this blog?
I think so.
I've posted the last THREE blogs. She never logs on anymore.

I'm pleased to announce that I, Gracelynne Margaret Rose McCartney, am running for Student Council Vice President. I have two other competitors. Rose-Ann Michaels, but everyone calls her Rose Mike. My other is-- JOLEE WINTERS. I'm confident that my posters will blow the roof off this place because I hired the best artist in the sixth grade to draw my designs. Who, might that be? Introducing..... CHRISSA FAYE MAXWELL! Yup, my sister. We're going to be giving out candy to everyone who's going to vote for me. All my sisters are wearing GRACE 4 VICE PREZ stickers on their clothes everyday, and they carry a whole stack of them to give to everyone who wants one.

I have 2 poster designs. One of them says 'WIN HER THE RACE, VOTE GRACE!' and another one has a mirror on it that says "Look who's voting Gracelynne for Vice President!"

Jolee Winters has terrible designs, and Rose Mike has one that says "I LIKE ROSE MIKE." She's putting stickers that say "ROSE FOR VP" all over everybody else's posters, and there's seven of them on my mirror poster. Chrissa has put colored duct tape designs over all the stickers that she leaves, and Jolee and I are going to go to the Principal to complain if she keeps stickering our posters.

Wish me luck!


Friday, May 7, 2010

Invitations and Reincarnations

I was bursting with happiness as I rushed home from school.
I had gotten the role in Wicked that I wanted, Nessa. I did a few epic fails of cartwheels and jogged home. I changed out of my school clothes quickly and telephoned Erin.

Kirsten answered the phone.
"Hello?" She answered. I heard commotion and Beatles music in the background.
"Hi Kirsten, its Grace!" I answered happily. It felt good to hear Kirsten's sweet voice again.
"Hi, Gracie! How are you?" I could hear her smiling. I heard running and yelling in the background.
"I'm great, thanks for asking! Is Erin around?" I asked.
"Yes, she is." Kirsten answered. "Hang on a second." I heard her call Erin's name and I heard the loud clomps of Erin's feet run across the floor.

"Heyla, Grace!" Erin answered.
"Hi, Erin! Guess what?" I said eagerly.
"THE BEATLES ARE COMING TO TOWN?!" I could hear the false excitement in her voice.
"No... but I got the role of Nessa in my school's play, Wicked!"
"EPIC!" Erin bellowed into the phone. "You'll do great!" I heard Ruthie yelling at a hyper Kit in the background.
"I'm so happy! Can you tell Sonny that Bethie got the part of Galinda?" I asked.
"Sure. Hold on." Erin said. "SONNY!!!!!!" Erin bellowed into the distance. I heard Sonali come down the stairs. Erin told her and she cheered.
"Hey, another thing. Ruthie says to check your mail." Erin said after a few minutes.
"What?" I was puzzled.
"Just do it!" And with that, Erin hung up.

I hung up the phone and slid on my shoes. I rushed outside and pulled the mail out of our box. In it were the fashion magazines Kristy read and eleven letters, one for each of us.

At dinner, I passed out the letters to everyone. Julie was the first one to open hers. As soon as she opened it up, she screamed a shrill scream. Everyone opened theirs up and there was an eruption of cheers.

We had all gotten invitations to their Awards Show! With plane tickets to Canada!

"We're going back?!" Kristy asked. "But we were just there!"
"Nonsense." Samantha said. "We're only staying for 2 days the next time we visit, which is at the end of May."
"It says to call Kirsten so that she can give us the day to come." Bailey read from the bottom of her invitation.
"Yay!" Kristy cheered. "We can buy dresses for the show now!" She clapped her hands.
"I guess we have to. The paper says we have to wear dresses." Felicity said.
Everyone cheered louder. Bailey groaned.
"We've had a little too much excitement for today. Finish you supper so that we can get out shopping." Samantha instructed.
Everyone ate as fast as they could. We all collected our coats and purses and jackets to get shopping. Then we hit the mall.

When we arrived at the mall, Samantha made everybody pick a buddy. We had to stay with our buddies at all times, and we had to report to the food court at 7:00 so that we could leave. I was buddied up with Lanie. We raced to a fancy dress shop and dug around the racks. We picked about seventeen billion dresses to try on. TiK ToK by Ke$ha played in the background and we tried them on, asked the other their opinion, then changed into another one. I really, really liked Lanie in a pale green one with sparkles, and so she picked that one. I couldn't find one. I was disappointed. I decided to use one from home, but I doubted I'd be able to find one that looked pretty on me. I was a bit sad. Lanie jubiliantly skipped to the cash register and payed. I stood to the side, upset. Lanie skipped to the food court. Almost all of our sisters were there, holding bags containing beautiful dresses. Kristy came in with her buddy, Chrissa. Poor Chrissa was carrying everything she and Kristy bought, the dresses, the shoes, the accessories, everything. I felt a lurch of jealousy as we loaded into the car and drove home. I went right upstairs and dug through the closet, trying to find the perfect dress to wear.

Lanie walked in. "Trying to find a dress?" she asked, jokingly.
"Yes." I grumbled.
Lanie strolled over to the closet and pulled out a pink dress, as if she had put it there on purpose. It was perfect. It was Kristy's old pink dress, which she still loved, but I loved it. I took it from Lanie's hands. I never acknowledged that it was even there. It was as if I had been to the closet and never noticed it was there because I saw it everyday. I tried it on. It looked wonderful.
I picked some shoes to match and put it in the box with the rest of the dresses.

We watched Glee with Bethie and learned some dance moves with Kristy.

~Gracie in the Sky with Dresses and Shoes~

Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Hole in the Bucket

Erin and I have been having some fun with each other here in Canada. First off, Erin showed me her secret hideout that she goes to. It was awesome! It was an old tent that Erin had adopted. She secretly borrowed Chrissa's fabric dye and Tye dyed it herself. It was splendid! She said she hides in here when she wants to be outside in the rain without getting wet. She keeps all her worldly possessions in her room, but she keeps some cool stuff out here. She keeps her rain gear so she can sneak out here in the pouring rain and play outside. She's been showing me the areas around her fortress [which, by the way, is named The Yurt] and she chased off some annoying 3 year old when he came to bother her. It was quite hilarious, actually.

"Erin, what are you doing outside? Its too wet!"
"Go away, Amos! I'll be outside when I want to. I'm 12 now."
"Fine. Then I'll tell Kirsten that you tipped my tricycle over while I was riding it!"
"You do that. But then I'll tell you're mommy that you ruined my Beatles album!"
Amos ran into Erin's house laughing and giggling. Erin shot off like a rocket and grabbed him by the arms and tugged him by his feet across the street. He screamed and hollered. She shoved him into his yard and pushed him down. She raced back across the street and grabbed my hand and dragged me into our house. We yanked off out muddy shoes and Erin leapt into the dining room just in time for lunch. Kirsten handed us both cheeseburgers and we took our places at the table.
"Oh, my. We've only got four days left together. We've got to make it the best we can. " Kirsten sighed.
Sonali and Beth looked at each other helplessly, and Beth nibbled nervously.
"Cheer up, girls! We can have fun!" Samantha smiled. She always looks at the bright side, which is what I love about her.
"Yeah." Julia mumbled.
"How about we buy gummi worms and-" Grace's Kit was cut off by a bunch of NO!'s from Grace's family.
Bailey looked at the 2 Lissies and then flicked her nose. They all three stood up.
"SURPRISE!!!!" They cried.
We all looked at each other. THIS couldn't be good.
Grace's Felicity held up a pamphlet and read aloud.
"Congratulations! You have been selected from a drawing to win a trip to the Night Club downtown!" Felicity said excitedly.
"How many times did you enter?!" Kristy asked excitedly.
"Twenty. Maybe thirty." Bailey said, couting on her fingers.
"And we WON!" Grace's Kit shouted.
Our Felicity nodded.
"When is this?" Kirsten asked.
"TONIGHT!!" Grace's Lissie bellowed.
"YAAAAY!" We all cried.
Everyone was excited. The Night Club was amazingly fun. Erin and Lissie and Kit have snuck away to there whilst they were supposed to be sleeping.
Bethie sat there with a blank expression on her face.
"Whassamatter, Beth?" Ruthie asked. "Cat got your toungue?"
Elizabeth shook her head.

She later informed me that since the cast party, she stayed clear from any store with the word "Club" in it.

"It'll be fun, Beth." Sonali assured her as she picked out a skirt for partying.

Erin and I were digging through our stuff to find things to wear. I found a comfy skirt and my converse, so those would be awesome. Erin was just gonna be Erin. Headband across her forehead, peasant blouse, jeans, flip flops.

Everyone is bustling and hustling to get ready to go. We're all so thrilled, squealing with delight. The Kits are writing about this with their typewriters. The Chrissas are painting. Well, that's pretty normal. Liz and Kristy are going insane finding the perfect outfits to wear.

This'll be fun!

Blog to ya laterz,


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Gracie's Birthday

My eyelids fluttered open. I grabbed my glasses on the bedside table. Today is my birthday. I'm 12 today. I thought. I picked out my favorite outfit today, and headed downstairs for breakfast. I stopped in the kitchen. Samantha was wearing her best dress, and she was baking my favorite breakfast, banana choco chunk muffins. Everyone was sitting in the dining room, munching happily.
"Gracie, I'm coming to pick you up at 9:00 this morning to take you to the airport for your surprise." Samantha said as she set the platter of fresh muffins on the table.
"Okay, thanks." I smiled. My sisters were grinning and grinning. They all handed me their presents. The only one who didn't was Kit. Kit must be Samantha's partner.
I got all my favorite things. Kristy and Chrissa got me a beautiful spring green choker. Felicity and Lanie got me a gardening set, with seeds for my favorite flowers, lilies and violets, just like my twin's name. Julie and Bailey got me Taylor Swift's album, Fearless. Elizabeth and Rebecca got me a picture frame with my favorite photo of me and Erin.
"Thanks so much, everyone." I couldn't stop smiling. I finished my muffin and headed off to school with Lanie.
During the first period, the science teacher, Mrs. Poe, asked the whole class to sing happy birthday to me and she gave me a purple eraser. Bethie, who sat next to me, kept on tapping my desk and grinning. We passed notes normally, but today not a single note was passed. I rocked back and forth in my seat, watching the clock. When the bell rang, I headed off to English with Beth. We stopped at our lockers and headed to the classroom to work with Mrs. Bishop. At the middle of the class period, an 8th grader walked in carrying a pass for me and my sisters to leave class. We headed down the stairs and stopped at our lockers to grab our stuff. We walked, all 10 of us in a row, giggling excitedly. When we reached the Guidance Office, Samantha stood, standing there, as giggly and happy as the rest of us. We walked home, and she asked us to change into our nicer clothes. I changed into my new sundress and Elizabeth into her pink dress. Samantha called a taxi while we ate a quick lunch of sandwiches and juice. When the taxi arrived, we filed into it. It was a van, so all 11 of us fit inside. She told the driver to take us to the airport, so we headed off.
When we got to the airport, Samantha held out a small bag of clothes and hygienic stuff to me. So THAT'S why the other girls were carrying purses. We waited for about 15 minutes, and Samantha told us that it was time. We loaded on to a blue plane and sat in rows of 3 on the plane. I sat in between Bethie and Lanie, both of them giggling and excited. I pulled the book that I had brought, The Grapes of Wrath, out of my purse. We sat on the plane, chattering and sitting silently while the flight attendant gave us small portions of snacks, peanuts and a small cup of juice and a napkin. I nibbled a salty one as Lanie joyously stared out the window. Finally, the captain announced:
"This is your captain speaking. We will be landing in the Canadian National Airport in 10 minutes. Please buckle your seatbelts and thank you for choosing Southwest Airlines."
We buckled out seatbelts and sat silently until the landing was completed. We hiked off the plane, dizzy and carrying our bags. Samantha asked us to hook hands in a line and we sat on the bench and waited.
Finally, Samantha stood up. She stood on the bench and waved her hands. Soon, a group of 9 dolls walked toward us. Samantha told us to get into a group, with Grace in the middle. So we did. One of them wearing a brown sundress tried to penetrate the line, but Kristy pushed her out of the way. Wait a second, I knew that doll. I tried to push through the crowd, but Felicity and Chrissa pushed me along. We got into a taxi with the group of 9 dolls riding in front of us. Samantha told the taxi driver to follow them.
We arrived at a quaint house. And the second I loaded out of the van, I heard a voice yell my name.
I spun around. The doll in the brown sundress was sprinting toward me. A doll with brown hair like Samantha's picked up her shoes that the doll in the sundress had kicked off as she ran, and she picked them up like they were snakes ready to attack.
"Erin? ERIN IS THAT YOU!?!" I cried.
The doll nodded as she sprinted faster. She jumped into my arms and we hugged tighter then ever possible. I saw behind my shoulder a doll with red hair like our Felicity's pushed another doll back into the van.
I found out my surprise--our family was staying in Canada with Erin's family for the rest fo the week! Both familes had permission from our owners, and we had made sleeping arrangements. I was staying in Erin's room.

I started crying as Kirsten and Samantha explained our surprise in the bedroom. Erin hugged me and we both started crying.

"Now, we have a surprise for Bethie." Kirsten said softly. Samantha grinned and grinned.

The doll with dark hair, who's name was Julia, opened the door. Bethie shrieked loud, as a dark skinned doll walked in the room.

-Read Bethie's Blog to find out what happens!-


Haaaappiest Birthdaaay to us! Part 1.

It was dark. Almost 9:00. But there we were, driving to the airport to pick up a special someone or a special group of someones. Kirsten stopped the taxi driver and handed him his tip - 40 bucks! - and Kit got up out of the car to escort me inside the airport.

"What the heck is going on?" I giggled.
"Weeee cann'tt teeeell youuuu!" Felicity taunted.

The gang of giggling girls were making their way to the Arrivals section. I was looking around, soaking it all in. I still didn't know why we were here, but I didn't care. It was still fun!
Kirsten gave the cue to a doll with dark hair and brown eyes who stood in the corner of the Arrivals section, and the dark-haired mystery doll waved over a bunch of huddled dolls. Elizabeth squealed. Felicity hooted and pumped her arms in the air. There they were!

"WHAT IS GOING ON?!" I turned around to face Kirsten.
Kirsten just gave her a timid smile then pushed in front of Erin to greet the mystery dollie.

"Hi., Samantha." Kirsten waved a little wave.
"Hello, Kirsten! Here we are!" Samantha waved back.

Kirsten led the group of dolls to the entrance to the airport, and then loaded them in separate taxis. All the while during the walk to the entrance the group of dolls looked like they were huddled around something important, something we were not allowed to see. I attempted to push into the huddle so I could see, but a girl with blue eyes and platinum blond hair pushed me back out, after sizing me up. I fidgeted and ran back to Kirsten.

"Who are they?" I muttered to Kirsten so they couldn't hear me.
"I can't say but.. they're not bad people." Kirsten giggled.
We got in our own taxi and drove away, while the dolls in the other taxis followed. It was creepy!! The whole way home, I could feel the brown eyes of the dark haired Samantha doll looking at me, looking up and down, sizing me up. They all seemed to be sizing me up. Ahhh!

Then we got home and I ran straight up to my room - I'd had enough. But Julia just called me back down. I sighed and trudged down the stairs, only to see a red haired girl being guided into the kitchen with a blind fold. I screamed.


Monday, April 26, 2010


How the time has flew!
I had almost forgotten my birthday is....TOMORROW!
I said we were going to post photos counting down to our birthday -- our bads, sorry. I guess time really is not unlimited.

I don't expect too much for my birthday, especially since I haven't bonded too tightly with some of my sisters yet because of my only recent arrival. But I still find every single one of them staring at me with a stupid little smirking grin on their little dollie faces, as if they knew something extremely important that only I didn't know. Its driving me insane!
But I do hope I get something of the extreme hippie-ness.

Today I was looking out the window at Grace taking Sonali's pictures, and a car drove past the intersection blasting Jump Then Fall by Taylor Swift (this seriously happened, even ask Grace), and I thought of Gracelynne. Its a shame she won't be here. *sigh*

Oh oops ... I gotta jet! Kirsten's gift for me is something super special and apparently it will take all night? I gotta go, I hear her yelling something about airports.

Asta la vista!


Sunday, April 25, 2010


Its 2 days until I'm 12.
Chrissa bought me a new sundress.
Samantha and Felicity are cleaning the house like mad.
Elizabeth and Rebecca have been hiding themselves in their shared room and shutting the doors and trap doors and locking them. They speak in low whispers when they are in there.
Kit is picking up all her loose books, and Bailey grins and grins whenever she sees me.

Its like my 12th birthday is some big deal to them. Sure, I'm turning a whole new year older, but it won't be the same without Erin. Our 11th birthday was the best darned day of our dollie lives. We caused mischeif in the factory and ate the leftover carrot cake in the break room that some old guy left. We blasted our favorite songs and rallied the dolls up and started a dance party. We stayed up all night with our closest friends, just like a real sleepover birthday party, which are Erin's [my owner] favorite kind of parties.

The meals have been getting smaller and smaller each day. Its like Samantha is saving all of our food for my birthday dinner. I just asked for a simple platter of spaghetti for the family to share.

Kristy's a model, and we got a new camera! Its a Nikon Coolpix L110 Camera. We love it! Erin's been taking our pictures all day long. I like the one of me in my sandals in the shade of the big tree. Its beautiful.

Our first assignment for AGMA is spring! I love spring. Erin's been running our doll household like a backstage of a major motion picture. The dolls have been racing around carrying various outfits, suggesting them to Kristy, hanging them on the rack if she likes them, running back upstairs to find new ones if she doesn't. Picking hairstyles, suggesting them to Kristy. My job is to pick the shoes for the outfits. SHOES. Such a pathetic job, am I wrong? I've done a pretty awesome job, because the first response on most of the outfits suggested to Kristy were "I like the shoes on this one." We chose 5 outfits for her assignment and now that the planning is done, tommorrow after Erin gets home from school, which is about 4:00 including bus time, we start snap-snap-snapping away.

Kristy's planned her outfit for the small celebration that we will hold for my birthday.
I was pouting after being given too much homework in History, the most boring subject in the history of Brick Stone Junior High. I sit down in class, he hands us a worksheet, I start doodling in the margins and daydreaming about how nice it would be to have a huge novel in front of me instead of this waste of paper. Then before I know it, I have to finish it for homework, plus the nightly homework he gives us. Kristy swished in, carrying her favorite pink dress with a few accessories added.
"Hey Gracie, what about this outfit for your birthday party?" She held up the dress on the hanger.
"Its nice." I answered.
"She swooshed back out the door. Before I knew it, I was alone with a bunch of boring papers.

I have to go finish my homework.

Stay beautiful,


Monday, April 19, 2010


Gracie here! With BIGG news!

Mine and Erin's birthday is in EIGHT WHOLE DAYS! Since this was one of our last play practices, my friend Lanie spread the word around drama club that it was almost my birthday and they asked me to get on the stage before rehearsal started and they all sang Happy Birthday to me! Isn't that sweet? Mr. Beeman came in and immediately stopped the nonsense because we had too much work to do, but we hid backstage and finished the song during the mediocre intermission. I heard Kit and Julie discussing what my birthday gift would be and I'm getting the Taylor Swift album Fearless! AWESOME! I hope I'm not getting just that. Bailey told me I was getting five presents- one from every 2 girls. Bailey and Julie are getting me Fearless and Kit and Samantha are getting me a purple necklace-- how sweet are they!? Bethie has been super secretive about what she and Rebecca are getting me, its almost funny. Everytime I ask her something she turns around and says 'WHAT GIFT?!' then laughs like crazy.

Erin has discovered I look adorable in piggy tails, which just so happens to be Erin's [my twin's] favorite hairstyle, besides wearing it down! I look just like her in the picture ^ up there ^. Haha! Sorry its terrible, but the only camera Erin could find was her DSi.

Blog to ya later,

~Gracie in the Sky With Diamonds~

Friday, April 16, 2010

Guys and Dolls-- Sneak Peek!

This is my picture-- its a sneak peek of our upcoming AGMV- Pokerface! I'm not in it, because Erin started making it before I arrived. Haha! Bethie got the main role because she was gorgeous and perfect for it!
Speaking of Bethie-- sorry I haven't posted in a while. She's been having lots of trouble getting used to the way things are and I've been having to comfort her.
The play has been going awesome! I am Bailey's former role-- General Cartwright.
Let me give you a little summary of the play:
Nathan Detroit is having trouble finding a place for his crap game-- or illegal dice game. All his friends and competitors are convincing him to find a place, but the only safe place to hide the game from the police and his fiancee [who he's been engaged to for 14 years,] Adelaide, is a garage that will cost him one thousand dollars. He's broke, and the only way he can get the money is by betting Sky Masterson [the highest crapshooter of them all] one thousand dollars that Nathan will find a doll [girl] that Sky has to take to Havana, Cuba. Nathan picks Sarah Brown- a goody two shoes who runs a mission for sinners. They fall in love and he takes her to Cuba, where he introduces Sarah to Dulce de Leche drinks. She gets drunk quickly, and he takes her home after she starts a fist fight with the locals. When they get back home to NYC, they find the crapshooters running out of the mission followed by the police. Sarah is convinced that Sky took her to Havana to get rid of her so that his friends could shoot crap in the mission.
MEANWHILE, Adelaide finds that Nathan is finding a place for the crap games, and she is instantly angry with him.
General Cartwright, the owner of the mission, is convinced that the mission isn't doing any good, so she decides to close it down. Sky guarantees Sarah one dozen sinners at a midnight prayer meeting, so General Cartwright keeps the mission up.
Sky Masterson follows Nicely Nicely Johnson, one of the crap shooters, to the only place that Nathan Detroit could afford the crap games, the sewer. There, Sky bets all the shooters that if he rolls and wins, they all have to go to the Midnight prayer meeting. If he loses, he owes them all 1000 dollars.
Adelaide promises Nathan that they can elope the same night as the prayer meeting, and she thinks he is lying when he tells her that he has to go to the prayer meeting, so she gets mad at him and breaks up with him.
After Sky wins, they all go to the meeting, where the police find them. Nicely Nicely is forced to give testimony.
After, Sarah and Adelaide meet on the streets where they confess the problems with their boyfriends. The result-- marry the man to change his ways.
In the end, Sarah changes Sky into a mission gentleman, where Nathan and Adelaide get married after all.
The End.
Its an awesome play! If you ever want to rent the movie or visit a play, DO IT! Its awesome!
Stay beautiful ;),

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Hey! Erin -- again. I think Gracelynne might be busy. From what I can tell, my cousin Bethie's been having breakdowns and Gracie has no time for blogging ... she's quite busy cheering Miss Cole up. :)

The photo today is a photo of my sistah Sonali and my cousin Emily climbing a tree!
Sonali will be mad to find this photo, but I think Emily should speak up and apologize, and Sonny should forgive.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

17 days -- counting down!

Heyla ladies and germs!
Since our birthday is coming up on the 27th, I thought it would be EPIC if every day me or Gracie posted a dollie picture (that has never been seen on YouTube) with a little story behind it, until the 27th of April!

So I'm going to start:

This is a photo of my sisters Ruthie and Felicity making props for
our older music video, All You Need Is Love, which we made for the
past Valentines Day. I wasn't here when they did that video,
but I think its a pretty cool behind-the-scenes picture. :)

Thats all for now!

Friday, April 9, 2010

What do I want...?

Earlier today, Kit came up to me and asked "Whatcha want for your birthday? Huh? Huh, Erin?". I blinked and remembered that my birthday was coming up on the 25th. I had totally forgotten about it, let alone the fact about what I was going to ask for!

So I sat down in my selfish greed for gifts and wrote a list.

1. Tie-die Beatles T-Shirt
2. A typewriter (Don't blame me -- I fell in love with Kit's, and I don't think she'd be that pretty if I took it from her and typed up poetry!)
3. My sister ... but I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna get that!

I look around me in amazement that I ended up in such a place. Its pretty epic. Actually, its more than epic. My sisters PWN! We make a lot of videos around here, though. I hope I get used to the black snapping lense of the camera. Grace seems to like that sound -- a lot, cause I see that black camera a lot!


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy [almost] Birthday to Us!

Grace here, everybody!

I am getting more and more excited! Erin and I are going to celebrate our birthday! We are turning twelve on April 27th. I'm kind of sad because this is our first birthday without each other. We were made on April 27th, 2009, but AG made a whole load of us JLY 35s and just let us sit out until we were actually released. It wasn't until February 2010 that we were separated. We spent most of our time in the factory playing with each other, causing mischief, making the worker people wonder why there was a whole mess of syrup spilled all over the table the morning after a weekend. And I miss every second of it.

I can't really send Erin a birthday present, but HA! I KNOW WHAT SHE'S GETTING! Sonali didn't come straight out and say it, but she made it into a little puzzle. I, being the clever bookie that I am, figured it out instantaneously. Where as Erin is only clever when it comes to causing trouble and proving people wrong when they say The Beatles suck. I even remember the first time we heard a Beatles song together. It makes me sad to think about it, but happy to know that she's with a nice family and they're probably getting used to coming home from whatever and the house be torn apart and the CD blasting Beatles music, usually in the factory it was Lady Madonna, but one time it was Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds and she bleeped out 'Lucy' and sang 'Erin' in place of it.

Even though Erin has a great home, I'm still REALLY getting used to mine. I'm pretty much used to the small explosions coming from Bailey's room and the giant thumps and pounds of Kristy's feet as she attempts to dance ballet. I'm even used to the loud Beatles music blasting from Julie's room already, it reminds me of Erin. Kit's typewriter clacks have still kept me awake at night, and I still feel the need to sneak down the trap door and investigate. Samantha's hums and soft singing as she sews or bakes cookies is a pleasure because I know the house is content, and the shrieks of Chrissa as she begins to splatter paint still sound quite annoying, but not as annoying as the sound of Rebecca flipping pages of thick scripts and saying lines for some play that has a lot of words I don't understand. The sound of Felicity trying on shoes is a comfort, and the sound of Beth blogging her feelings makes me feel like I'm not the only writer in this house who pours her heart into writing. I still have to burst into Lanie's bedroom and ask who she's talking to when she's only talking to a bunch of plants--again. As weird as this sounds, I've even fitted molds for my sisters.

Samantha~the motherly sister
Felicity~the animal freak
Kristy~ the diva
Kit~ the reader of books
Julie~ the hippie [though this mold has already been copyrighted by Erin, it works for Julie, too]
Bailey~ the rebel
Rebecca~the actress
Chrissa~the toddlerish artist
Bethie~the lover
Lanie~ the green queen

and Gracelynne~ the writer

I hope Erin is doing as well at her home as I am.

Stay beautiful ;)


Saturday, April 3, 2010


I don't know about this house. Its a bit... awkward. My sister and I are going through similar things right now. Erin is like my only best friend, and God only knows how many miles away from me she is. Erin [my owner] doesn't even have a decent selection of books for me. And all the good ones are stashed away in Kit's room, where everyone except herself is forbidden to go. Everyone has a best friend except me:

Samantha and Kit
Felicity and Kristy
Julie and Bailey
Rebecca and Chrissa
Elizabeth and Sonali, who also lives a gazillion miles away from us
Lanie.... Lanie just marches to her own drum. She's shy and quiet and the only person she really talks to is Erin's pet plant, Paul. She says that Paul is the only one in this house who truly understands her. And even then, it's a PLANT.

I see myself with Kit. We have the same intrests. We both love reading and writing and we're both a bit shy at times. But Kit is even shyer then I am. She spends most of her days click-clacking on her typewriter or reading a novel that weighs more then she does.

Truthfully, I see myself with Erin in Canada. We are both pretty much the same. We both are bold, fresh, entertaining, and we're just like peanut butter and jelly-made for each other. [I CALL JELLY, HA!]

We got dolly sized Easter baskets today. Mine is cream colored with a spring green ribbon [predictable, yes?] and it has green Easter grass in it. I hope Erin leaves candy for us in it tommorrow. I will post a picture tommorrow.

I will be sitting ALONE at the dinner table tommorrow. ALONE=by myself. If Erin was here, we'd sit by ourselves and fling food across the table to see how far it flies. We'd silently whisper and giggle, and after dinner we'd run through the yard and climb trees and chase leaves that the wind carries across the Canada landscape. And at night, we'd settle in our beds that were placed next to each other and whisper and laugh until we fell asleep. That would be my dream Easter.



At this point, I don't have a real ... er... lets just say friend, in this family. Of course all my sisters are my friends, but I look around me and see tons of my siblings coupled off in pairs of two. Ahem -- best friends. It makes me envious. Gracelynne is my best friend, my sister, my other half, but I don't see HER whenever I look up, unlike Kit or Felicity.

Kit and Ruthie~best friends.
Sonali and Elizabeth-who-apparently-doesn't-live-here~best friends.
Elizabeth and Felicity~best friends.
Kirsten and Julia~Kind-of best friends.

But Chrissa seems a little, well, timid. Plus she never really takes note of me. I think I heard something of how I was supposed to sleep where her art hideaway is. But, that didn't happen so, why would she hold a grudge against me, if she is holding a grudge against me at all? Gah.

I really like Felicity... she seems bold like me. You're supposed to click with people who are like you, right?

I think I'm going to go offer to climb trees with Lissie.

Friday, April 2, 2010

The last but not least introduction...!

I'm a cookie-eating, cupcake-stealing, republican hippie named Erin. Did you get that? ERIN. Now don't forget it, cause I'm not wasting my breath -- no, my finger energy -- typing it again.
My sister Gracie already introduced us as twins. I am very happy to be a twin. I cannot imagine myself without another half, or another side of the oreo cookie. If Grace and I are both halves of the oreo cookie, then who is the icing? I guess the icing is the blog. But what happens if we lick off the icing? Hmm, now thats a problem ... because I can never resist cookie icing!

So my name is Erin, I'm a hippie, I love food ... what else?

Full Name- Erin Lilly Violet McCartney
Nickname[s]- Erin In The Sky With Diamonds
Favorite Food- Do I have to choose?!
Favorite Movie- Hmm ... Hard Days Night
Favorite TV Show- Biggest Loser -- My guilty pleasure!
Favorite Song- Anything by The Beatles!
Favorite Colors- Lime green and aqua, baby!

I hope you're satisfied, 'cause these fingers are tired!
But they still have a little bit of energy left for helping me eat some pizza..

Hasta la vista!
-Erin Of The DiamondLand

Welcome to our blog!

Hello everybody. This is our blog. B-L-O-G. Allow me to introduce myself- er- ourselves. We are Erin and Grace McCartney. Blogging to you live right now is- MOI! Or, Grace if you will. We are dolls, yes dolls. Twin dolls. No joke. That picture is of me, but it can go for either of us. We are identical twins, though we aren't entirely different like most twins. Here's a profiling on me, Grace.
Full Name- Gracelynne Margaret Rose McCartney
Nickname[s]- Grace or Gracie [But Erin calls me Gracie in the sky with diamonds sometimes ;)]
Favorite Food- Taylor Swift
Favorite Movie- Taylor Swift
Favorite TV Show- Taylor Swift
Favorite Song- Anything by Taylor Swift or The Beatles or Lady Gaga
Favorite Colors- Spring green and purple
I do wear glasses, and so does my sister. I love her. She's so much fun to be around. We are made for each other, literally. I will leave it to her to do the profiling on herself and post a picture. I will alternate blogs with my sister. You will know its me if my blog is written in purple and you will know its Erin if her blogs are written in blue.
I have ten sisters. TEN. I'm the littlest. But between me and Erin, I'm 10 minutes older because I rolled off the conveyer belt first. It took 10 minutes for the dimwitted men to make my sister, and that was the worst 10 minutes of my dolly life. Read my sister Elizabeth's blog that I wrote to learn more about me.
Lurv you,